IPED participated in the development of app for observers

Independent observation on election day is a key element of the work of the IPED. At the end of April, members of the Institute for the Development of Public Environment’s team took part in an international conference in Romania. Together with organizations from different EU countries and with the assistance of Commit Global and Code…

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The Institute for Public Environment Development started work on the project “European elections 2024: the citizens’ voice”

      The Institute for Public Environment Development started work on the project “European elections 2024: the citizens’ voice”. Its goal is to support and stimulate the debate concerning European values and the significance of the upcoming elections for members of the European Parliament. The upcoming activities will be supported by the “Protecting EU…

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Н.Пр. г-жа Флоранс Робин - Посланик на Франция в България

IPED organized the conference “Media in 2021. Funding and Transparency – Problems and Solutions”

On the 14th of December, the Institute for Public Environment Development held the conference “Media in 2021. Funding and Transparency – Problems and Solutions”. The event was hosted by the French Institute in Sofia. In the beginning of the conference Mrs. Florence Robine, Ambassador of France in Bulgaria, Mr. Lenko Lenkov, Program Director, Business Enabling…

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IPED has started to work on the project “Data as a Tool for Successful Advocacy Campaigns of the Civil Society Organizations.”

The Institute for the Public Environment Development has started its work on the project “Data as a Tool for Successful Advocacy Campaigns of the Civil Society Organizations.” Its activities are aimed at improving the capacity of non-governmental organizations to work with data, which is expected to increase the visibility of the organizations, their initiatives and…

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