Training of Observers for the National Referendum

On the 19th of January, 2013, the Institute for Public Environment Development held training for observers for the National Referendum that will take place on the 27th of January, 2013. The rules and requirements for conducting independent monitoring as well as the regulations for conducting the referendum itself were explained in detail to the participants.…

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IPED wrote to the OSCE about the problems with the new legislation, concerning domestic election observers

The Institute for Public Environment Development sent a letter to the OSCE / Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, reporting for the last decisions of the Legal Affairs Committee in the Bulgarian Parliament, concerning domestic election observers: I am writing on behalf of the Institute for Public Environment Development – Bulgarian non-governmental organization, registered…

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Open the data from elections

The Institute for Public Environment Development along with the 14th of January Foundation, NGOLinks and the bloggers – Boyan Yourokov, Peio Popov and Emil Georgiev launched the initiative “Open Data – Elections in Bulgaria”. „We are asking Information Services PLC to open the data related to elections in Bulgaria, publishing it to the web-site of…

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The Institute for Public Environment Development developed the Handbook for Local Election Observation of Local Elections.

The Institute for Public Environment Development developed the “Election Handbook for Local Observers”. The Handbook is a helpful tool that local election observers in Bulgaria may use. The document is adapted version of the OSCE Election Observation Handbook. We have included examples of Bulgarian practices, as well as of the Institute’s observation of the last…

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